Wednesday, May 13, 2015

May 12

My favorites arrived sometime this morning, their unmistakable mewing call a give away to their presence around the house. I am listening to them now squawking back and forth to one another in the way only catbirds can.

Like the blue jays, the cat birds seem to embrace mischievous antics, flying in from the berm woods to the suet feeder, and pausing to call in mimicking notes before flitting away to the woods.

They will shift about while perched on a branch, fanning their black tail as in display, while bobbing and calling in their familiar cat way.

Bird books describe them as secretive and shy, yet ours that return year after year seem less so, frequenting the dooryard and flying around the feeders almost in a teasing way.

Lilly of valley almost in bloom.
Viburnam in full bloom almost overnight

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