clipper wind is cutting, and the wind chill is such that even the wood stove
can’t keep the fireplace room all that warm. The only consolation is the
brilliant sky, though it is deceiving with these temps in the low teens.
trail to the vernal pool near Asnebumskit is leaf covered, and though it passes
protectively in a natural hollow so that the winds do not reach, there is the
sound of it all in the upper canopy. It is a roaring force that moves the tops
of the big trees and makes the distinctive creaking sound when the trees rub
squirrel nests have been more easily visible since the leaves have come down,
and now they are conspicuous overhead moving about in the winds. I imagine them
tucked neatly inside the darkened nest, comfortably insulated against the cold
and wind by layered leaves and bedding, yet it must be a tumultuous affair
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